Protect User Privacy in Android Studio: Masking Personal Information

Protect User Privacy in Android Studio: Masking Personal Information


As developers, it's crucial to prioritize user privacy in our applications. One way to achieve this is by masking sensitive information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, to prevent unauthorized access. In this article, we'll explore how to implement masking for email addresses and phone numbers in Android Studio. We'll walk through the code step by step, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to protect user data effectively. 

Explaining the Code:

In Android applications, it's common to display only partial information when showing sensitive data to users. This is where masking comes into play. Masking replaces sensitive characters with placeholders, like dots or asterisks, while revealing only a limited amount of information.

The code provided below demonstrates how to implement masking for email addresses and phone numbers using the 'MaskingUtils' class.

public class MaskingUtils {

    public static String maskEmail(String email) {
        int atIndex = email.indexOf('@');
        if (atIndex >= 2) {
            String firstPart = email.substring(0, 2);
            String maskedMiddle = "•".repeat(atIndex - 2);
            String lastPart = email.substring(atIndex - 3); // Show 3 characters before domain
            return firstPart + maskedMiddle + lastPart;
        } else {
            // Not enough characters to mask, return original email
            return email;

    public static String maskPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
        if (phoneNumber.length() >= 6) {
            String dialCode = phoneNumber.substring(0, phoneNumber.length() - 8); // Preserve dial code
            int maskedDigitsCount = phoneNumber.length() - dialCode.length() - 2;
            String maskedDigits = "•".repeat(maskedDigitsCount);
            String lastDigits = phoneNumber.substring(phoneNumber.length() - 3); // Preserve last digits
            return dialCode + maskedDigits + lastDigits;
        } else {
            // Not enough characters to mask, return original phone number
            return phoneNumber;

How to Use the Code:
Using the 'MaskingUtils' class is straightforward. To mask an email address or phone number, you can call the respective methods provided by the class.

For example, to mask an email address:
String originalEmail = "";
String maskedEmail = MaskingUtils.maskEmail(originalEmail);
And to mask a phone number:
String originalPhoneNumber = "+1234567890";
String maskedPhoneNumber = MaskingUtils.maskPhoneNumber(originalPhoneNumber);

Result of the code for email:
Original : ""
Masked : "ex••••••"

Result of the code for Phone Number:
Original : "+1234567890"
Masked : "+1234•••••890"


Protecting user privacy is a fundamental aspect of app development. By implementing masking techniques for sensitive information, we can ensure that users' personal data remains confidential while still providing them with the necessary information. The 'MaskingUtils' class showcased in this article provides a simple and effective way to achieve this goal in Android Studio.


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of user privacy and how to implement masking for sensitive information in your Android applications. By incorporating these techniques into your development practices, you can enhance the trust and security of your app users.

Remember that protecting user data is an ongoing responsibility, and staying informed about the latest best practices in privacy and security is essential for maintaining a strong ethical foundation in app development.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to share them with us. Happy coding!

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